We offer you a variety of indoor games which not only helps kids get away from technology but also brings adults closer. A fun way to spend quality time with your loved ones. Traditional indoor games of India, helps us be accustomed to our long-lost culture and traditions. Pachisi, Chowka bara(9 house), Chowka bara(911), Chowka bara(11 house), Chowka bara(7house), Chowka bara(5 house), Chowka bara (5&7 house), Chausar, Pagade clasic, Pulijudam(level 1&2), Pulijudam (level 3&4), Pulijudam (level 1,2,3,4), Ali guli mane- varli dancer, Ali guli mane- classic, Navakankari, Sholo guti, Navakankari & Sholo guti combo