Jainism in Early Medieval Karnataka
Jainism in Early Medieval Karnataka attempts to explain the prevalence of image worship, tantrism, priesthood and ritualistic formation which characterized Karnataka Jainism in the early medieval period. The book also seeks to examine the social and economic basis of Jaina monasteries in all parts of the Kannada region.
₹595.00 -
Foundations of Indian Culture: Spiritual vision and Symbolic Forms, in Ancient India (2 Vols)
Foundations of Indian Culture: Spiritual vision and Symbolic Forms, in Ancient India (2 Vols)
The Present volume I deals with the spiritual vision and symbolic forms. Here is has been upheld that the spiritual vision of India had two original aspects, the integral or synoptic vision of the Vedas, and the Sramanic vision of Transcendence. Purnata and Sunyata constituted the two poles round which Indian spirituality revolved. The author not only elucidates this bipolar matrix of Indian spirituality revolved. The author not only elucidates this bipolar matrix of Indian spiritual praxis or sadhana, but also traces its intricate ancient history. He goes on to trace the great symbolic forms-language, myth, science, literature and art-in which this basic vision expressed itself. In all these areas he brings out the basic general principles expressive of inner consciousness rather than present a mere selection of well-known details.
₹1,295.00 -
History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas: A Vanished Indian Religion
History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas: A Vanished Indian Religion
The book presents the history and the doctrines of the Ajivikas who formed a third heretical sect besides the sect of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism and that of Mahavira Vardhamana, the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of the Jainas. The three heterodox sects react against the ritualistic creed of the Vedists.
The cult of Ajivikas was founded by Makkhali Gosal, the contemporary of Mahavira Vardhamana, on the basis of strict determinism with a belief in the all-embracing rule of Niyati (principle of order). According to Gosal, it was Niyati which ultimately governed our action, controlled phenomena and left no room for human volition.
It will throw new light on an interesting and significant aspect of Indiaês past, and will encourage further research.
This book is divided into fifteen chapters discussing elaborately different aspects of the subject matter. The comprehensive Bibliography and Index are the added features for the researchers for comparative as well as further study of yet unexplored areas.
₹895.00 -
Indian Rock Art and its Global Context
Indian Rock Art and its Global Context
This is a unique volume in the history of rock art studies, meant at once
for the advanced scholar, serious student and the curious but conscientious
layman, co-authored by K.K. Chakravarty and R.G. Bednarik, who co-chaired
the indian Rock Art session of the World Archaeological Congress 3 at Delhi in
1994. It is a synoptic but comprehensive survey, illustrated by 221
photographs and sketches, including 172 photographs in colour. The two
scholars have not only described the latest state of research on rock art,
but also transported rock art studies into the realm of interdisciplinary,
inter-cultural analysis. Buttressed by an indicative map of the rock art
regions, a list of major up to date direct dating results on rock art, a
glossary of keywords related to spatial, temporal, technological,
managerial categories, and an index, this volume blends precise,
dispassionate descriptions with eloquent evocations. It blends conclusions
distilled from rigorous, hard headed field research with penetrating
criticism and assessment of the evidence. It combines a ruthless brevity
and density with extraordinary felicity and clarity of language. Above all,
it is an wonderful attempt at dealing with the problems of understanding,
which dog human attempts to comprehend the meaning and shape of human
₹1,700.00Indian Rock Art and its Global Context
₹1,700.00 -
Mayamata: An Indian Treatise on Housing Architecture and Iconography
Mayamata: An Indian Treatise on Housing Architecture and Iconography
The present book is based upon a French translation, in the Publication Series of the Institut Francais d’Indologie. The Sanskrit text has been omitted so that the book may be of a reasonable size; by the same token most of the footnotes which accompanied the French translation have been dispensed with. The glossary is presented in an abridged form; most of the drawings have been retained and some more added. Lastly, the interpretation of the English text has been revised.
₹525.00 – ₹725.00Mayamata: An Indian Treatise on Housing Architecture and Iconography
₹525.00 – ₹725.00 -
Silparatnakosa of Sthapaka Niranjana Mahapatra: A Glossary of Orissan Temple Architecture
Silparatnakosa of Sthapaka Niranjana Mahapatra: A Glossary of Orissan Temple Architecture
The Silparatnakosa is a 17th century Orissan text composed by Sthapaka Niranjana Mahapatra describing all the parts of the temple types of Orissa such as the Manjusri and Khakara. It also contains a section on sculpture on image-making (Pratimalaksana). This text though much later than the temples described reflects the still living tradition and it contributes much to clarify the terminology of Orissan temple architecture. The text has been edited from three palmleaf MSS and translated with numerous illustrations.
₹895.00 -
Silpa Prakasa by Ramacandra Mahapatra Kaula Bhattaraka: Medieval Orissan Sanskrit text on temple Architecture
Silpa Prakasa by Ramacandra Mahapatra Kaula Bhattaraka: Medieval Orissan Sanskrit text on temple Architecture
“The Silpa Prakasais an important addition to the existing literature on Indian Silpa Texts.” the text goes into a great detail of the architecture, the iconography and the symbolism of all the parts of the temple. Its unique contribution lies in the description of Yantras or symbolic diagrams underlying the architecture as well as sculpture. This edition will be extremely valuable for understanding not only temple construction but the entire symbolism underlying the unique temples of Orissa.
₹1,795.00 -
Insights Into the Bhagavad Gita
Vimala Thakar gave a series of inspired talks on the Bhagavad Gita in three separate seminars, during 1992 and 1993 in Italy. To her Bhagavad Gita is very sacred because it deals with the organic wholeness of life; and the inbuilt complexity of life, It affirms the interplay between the micrecosm and macrocosm and persuadesus to remain united with the ultimate reality, not only to intellectual understanding, but through everything that we do, at every moment.
” The book is indeed a product of author’s realization and deep spiritual insights on the mental anguish and obstacles such as ego of Arjuna, which are specified timely by Krishna, as teacher, referring appropriate example from the holy Gita and his etern
About the Author(s)
₹795.00Insights Into the Bhagavad Gita
₹795.00 -