Ekadantaya Vidmahe Sanskrit T-Shirt

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Sanskrit T-Shirt

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एकदन्ताय विद्धमहे।
Ganesh Gāyatri Mantra- 8
हम उस एक दन्त भगवान गणेश की प्रार्थना करते हैं।
We pray to the one tooth Lord Ganeśa, who is omnipresent.
The god who is always prayed before starting anything new or important; is Lord Ganeśa, the god of wisdom! He was the one who completed writing the mighty epic Mahabharata by breaking his own tusk to stick to the condition of writing without a single break. The ‘Ekadanta’ is beautifully placed on the t-shirt, with mix of colors used in Indian cultural occasions. Sanskrit T-Shirt

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