The Yoga of Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra-2 and 3introduced by His holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama translated & ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins


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Yoga of Tibet describes the profound process of meditation in Action and Performance Tantra. It is an invaluable book for anyone who is practising or interested in Buddhist tantra. It consists of three parts:

Heart of Mantra by the Dalai Lama is a lucid exposition of the meditative rites of of deity yoga-the distinctly tantric process in which yogis visualize themselves in the form of a Buddha’s divine body as a manifestation of compassionate wisdom.

The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra part 2 & 3 by Tsong-ka-pa, details the practices of Action and Performance Tantra. Special deity yoga techniques for the development of the heart, mind and physical form of a Buddha are presented in a coherent series of yogic exercises.

The Mudras (hand gestures) that accompany the meditations are clearly illustrated.

A Supplement by Jeffrey Hopkins outlines in detail the structure of Action Tantra practices as well as the need for development of special yogic powers.


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