Vedic Index of Names and Subjects (2 Vols.)


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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects contains all the information that can be extracted from Vedic literature on such topics as agriculture, astronomy, burial, castes, clothing, crimes, diseases, economic conditions, foods and drinks, gambling, kingship, law and justice, marriage, morality, occupations, polyandry and polygamy, the position of women, usury, village communities, war, wedding ceremonies, widow, burning, witchcraft, etc. The proper names have embraced not only persons, tribes, and peoples, but also mountains, rivers and countries. The geographical distribution on the Vedic population has also been presented. This valuable work furnishes complete information on social and political life of the Vedic population has also been presented. This valuable work furnishes complete information on social and political life of the Vedic Aryans, their manners, customs, superstitions and mythology as well as geographical data found in the Vedic literature.


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