The Indian Toy Industry is Highly Fragmented, with around 4,000 units of various players operating. Out of all this what caught our Curation Team of Indic Brands is “Dolls by Tringrahi”.
Toys are not just an article of amusement for children but they also help them learn holistic skills that are essential for the overall growth of a human being. In India, children have a wide variety of traditional toys to choose from. There are dolls, puppets, animal figurines, kitchen sets, and traditional games, made out of different materials like wood, cloth, metal, terracotta, etc. This rich heritage of traditional toys originated in the subcontinent several thousand years ago in the Indus Valley civilization.
Latest Cute Bal hanuman Doll Toys by Tringrahi₹340.00
₹400.00 -
Jagannath Dolls Baldev Shubhadra Set of Dolls by TrinGrahi₹823.00
₹990.00 -
Five Pandava Dolls Set of Dolls by Tringrahi₹1,320.00
₹1,650.00 -
Krishna Dolls with Balaram and his team Dolls by Tringrahi₹1,538.00
Dolls of various sizes, colors, and themes are loved by kids of all ages. Traditional dolls made of materials such as clay and wood are found in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Europe. The earliest documented dolls go back to the ancient civilizations of Hindus, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Dolls were also used in children’s education and as carriers of cultural heritage.
While Exploring Unique Doll’s brand with Indic Values, We meet Jahanava, Founder of Tringrahi Dolls. She is located in Vrindavan, the cultural capital of Hindu Sanskriti and Indian Civilization. While studying She got an idea of creating a series of Toys for kids with Hindu Cultural Values, and she started exploring possibilities. She found that there are a very limited amount of dolls available with figures of Hindu Deities. As she was very much convinced that Dolls are a most favorite toy of the kids and this can be used as a carrier of learning as well the ethos of Bhakti in young minds.
Based on this noble way of making parenting a little easier, she designed her first set Doll based on the theme of Heros of Hindu History. This set of dolls included Ram, Sita, Lakshman, and Ravan Dolls. Her dolls become very popular in a short span and were adored very much by many Twitter accounts. Dolls by Tringrahi was soon made available on major e-commerce portals.
She started designing new themes based on Hindu Deities each passing month and now there are 35 Different Beautiful Dolls are ready for your kid or as a best gift to someone’s kid!
Kids absolutely love the dolls by Tringrahi. The dolls are made from pixel-perfect 3d Printing technology with non-toxic, high-quality material. Soon Parents across the globe have started ordering the TrinGrahi Dolls.

Indic Brand’s buyers are very happy with the dolls and even they made Dolls by Tringrahi as the best seller of the month for 3 consecutive months. Shipping operations and Customer query resolution are very smooth and faster.
You can check out the Dolls by Tringrahi on Indic Brands here.