
  • Pharma Science Pain Relief Oil | Relieves Joint & Muscular Pain | Knee Pain | Long-Lasting & Quick Relief with the Goodness of Ayurvedic Herbs – 100ml

    Vata Cure is a miraculous joint pain massage oil made with exclusive herbs and potent medicinal plants, blended in accordance with the ancient ayurveda texts. Vata cure joint pain massage oil provides immediate relief from muscular pain, joint pain, sciatica, paralysis, headache, and back pain. Fortified with the benefits of ten effective herbs, the Vata cure is a boon for people who are unable to perform normal functions of life due to their joint and muscular pain.Aging, irregular lifestyle, poor dietary habits and long sitting hours have made joint pain a very common problem. Elderly people, overweight individuals, women over 40 years and people involved in heavy workouts are most vulnerable to joint and muscular problems. This can surface as pain, cramps, or inflammation. Joint pain is commonly caused by arthritis, tenderness of the joint, or arthralgia which is inflammation in the joint or simple swelling. The pain though a discomfort in itself, makes life miserable by making bodily movements difficult and painful. In such cases Vata Cure, the best Ayurvedic joint pain massage oil works as a blessing of Ayurveda. Composed of 10 precious herbs, this exclusive joint pain oil is prepared by the ancient sheer peak method, which is best recommended by Ayurveda to harness the maximum benefits of the highly potent herbs used as ingredients.


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