Motilal Banarsidass
Shrimadbhagavat Ka Gyan, Deen Dukhi ki Seva Mahaan
Shrimadbhagavat Ka Gyan, Deen Dukhi ki Seva Mahaan
₹195.00 -
The Sraddha: The Hindu Book of the Dead (A Treatise on the Sraddha Ceremonies)
The Sraddha: The Hindu Book of the Dead (A Treatise on the Sraddha Ceremonies)
Of the sixteen samskaras which encompass a Hindu life the last one is performed for the dead by their sons or grandsons or relatives. Many passages in the Puranas and Dharmasastras extol the role of the son in the life of devout Hindu. The present book deals with the rite of Sraddha and vindicates the popular belief that Sraddha, being an important topic, forms an integral part of Hindu Dharmasastra. The belief in the after-death survival of deceased ancestors and their separate world belongs to the Indo-Iranian period and as such is pre-Vedic. Ancestor-worship for one’s prosperity, continuation of one’s race, is as old as the Rgveda. Preface, Introduction, The Antyesti Samskara, Appendices, Glossary.
₹195.00 -
Aum Hindutvam: Daily Religious Rites of the Hindus
Aum Hindutvam: Daily Religious Rites of the Hindus
The author negates some of the very old concepts, viz., that females and
Shudras, and people who have not undergone the Upanayana Samskaras have no
access to Vedas or they should not perform Vedic rituals. He insists that
‘all religious observances of a man, if devoid of right conduct, are of no
avail. Right conduct constitutes an important element of education and
civilization. In his opinion Hindus will have to develop the
all-comprehensive idea of Hindu Dharma in and through their lives and
activities. Their welfare lies in the Vedic prayers and practices.
Those who are interested in Hindu Dharma, and those who want to know about
its rituals will find the present work indispensable. The author deals with
the religious practices, observances and rituals. When, how, and where
certain rituals are to be performed, is clearly discussed. Benefits of
Divine Communion are given special emphasis.
About the Author(s)
₹195.00 -
Ecological Spirituality: Hindu Scriptural Perspectives
Ecological Spirituality: Hindu Scriptural Perspectives
Every major step man takes wreaks its own damage on the environment. Aware of this, man is yet unwilling to forgo the immediate material benefits his actions give. for all his professions of concern aabout the environment, in reality his concern reduces to nothing more than cosmetic changes in the exterior which are of no value. This celender monograph is critique on this pervasive culture of ambivalence. The author resorts to the first principles, Sanatana Dharmawhich literally means eternal order. Not environmental engineering but ecological spirituality is the answer. In Fact this is the only religion the world needs.
About the Author(s)
G. Naganathan
₹200.00 -
Arya Samaj Movement in South Africa
Arya Samaj Movement in South Africa
Even though it is primarily a religious organisation, the Arya Samaj movement emerged as a significant player in India’s fight for social and cultural autonomy, which involved both religious and secular groups. It was established in 1875, foreshadowing the establishment of an independent India in 1947. This work makes no attempt to provide a detailed
investigation of the movement, but also presents a summary of its development and philosophy in the context of the contributions made by its founder, Swami Dayanand Sarasvati. There is a lot of reason to be proud of the Samaj’s complex of institutions and upliftment programmes that they started, as well as the major historical forces that played a role in shaping the movement.
The nineteenth century saw the beginning of a number of different socio-religious groups, one of which was the Arya Samaj. Despite this, it was responsible for the construction of many of the most prestigious educational institutions in northern India. Indian groups who had immigrated to other countries, such as Mauritius, South Africa, and Guyana, were among the first to feel the impact of these events. What was once a little religious group has now grown into a religious denomination that has significant weight in the world today. One of the Arya Pratinidhi Sabhas may be found in South Africa.
the most well-known Hindu organisations that have a significant amount of sway over the north Indian subset of the Hindu people.
T. Naidoo
About the Author
Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Thillayvel Naidoo went to school and graduated as a teacher. A graduate of the University of South Africa, he moved to India to pursue his M.A. in Indian Philosophy at the University of Madras. Research Officer at the University of Durban-Department Westville’s of Science of Religion. He is presently a professor of Philosophy of Religion at the university where he earned his doctorate. On Hinduism, he is the author of many publications on the subject: The Hindu Way, Sai Baba: An Analysis of Manifestations, The Parsee Community in South Africa, and Tamil People in South Africa.