Motilal Banarsidass
The Upanayana: The Hindu Ceremonies of the Sacred Thread
The Upanayana: The Hindu Ceremonies of the Sacred Thread
It appears from ManuÍs institutes that they are meant as much for the householder in the
second order of life_garhasthya_as for the student. The laws for the brahmanas are severer and they are expected to subject themselves to harder physical and mental disciplines, forsaking all attachment of their organs to sensual pleasures. A brahmana student must keep them under complete
control and bear in mind that desire is never extinguished by the enjoyment of desired objects; it only grows stronger like a fire fed with clarified butter.
But all this appears to have vanished. It is unfortunate that many brahmanas, starkly ignorant
of the Vedic rcas and scriptural teachings, are often called upon to perform the ceremonies. There is substance in their contention that since the times have changed, the ceremonial laws too must be thoroughly revised and modified to bring them in conformity with the present-day ethos. They also argue that, as the mantras are in Sanskrit, very few people are able to chant them with complete understanding of their inherent meaning and importance. It is to meet their demand for a simple text with explanatory instructions that this book has been written. Its readers can be scholarly priests or non-scholarly householders or both. To some this may sound a profanation of the ceremonial laws, but the intention is pious and therefore this attempt to democratize and
expound the esoteric is forgivable.
Upanayana is one of the sixteen samskaras or purificatory rites in which a boy is invested with the sacred thread and thus endowedwith second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the Veda by heart. In this ceremony the boy goes to an Acarya well-versed in the Vedas with a view to be initiated into Vedic studies or a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes. From the day the initiation ceremony takes place the young celibate commits himself to a life of austerity and abstinence; he chooses to lead a life rigorously disciplined by vows and disciplinary rules.
₹275.00 -
The Bhagavad-Gita: The Song of God: Original Sanskrit text & Roman Transliteration, A lucid english rendition,
The Gita is a song-not just any song, but a very special song, the song of God-sung by the
Divine Being of infinite consciousness to His most beloved devotee, Arjuna. Arjuna in Sanskrit means clear white light, the brightness and clarity, the name of the man who manifested the clarity of pure devotion by which the Lord’s wisdom may be heard, and by which the universal form may be perceived. And what a song it is! A symphony of soul’s longing for divinity, of the search for clarity, the explanations of yoga-what constitutes divine union, and how one gets there. No
subject of spiritual evolution remains neglected by the Gita.
The Gita has been translated into more languages than any other literary work. In English
alone there are more renditions than can be counted. Each one has its own character, each one
a slightly different analysis. Some are poetic, some philosophical, some dogmatic, some universal.
This translation by Dr. Prasad is just beautiful-so simple and clear. He uses just enough sanskrit to convey the majesty and beauty of the language and the intensity of the dialogue, and yet does not leave the reader dumbfounded in an unintelligible maze of vocabulary. The universal principle of the philosophy he espouses are filled with poetic grace and style. He captures so much of the Grace of the Gita, even in the prose of English, that the orchestrations of wisdom cannot but help lull our hearts after every chapter.
From Confusion’s first desire to neglect one’s duty or responsibilities, to the infinite vision of
the Lord as a consequence of total surrender to the will of God, Prasad’s rendering takes the
reader from doubts and misgivings to perfect efficiency in all that one undertakes.
The Bhagavad-Gita has the original Sanskrit text with Roman transliteration, and a lucid English rendition. Concise and to the point commentaries on two hundred twenty-seven selected key verses are provided. One hundred thirty three verses are printed in red to enable the first-time readers to study these verses before delving deep into the vast ocean of transcendental knowledge. The teachings of saints and sages of major religious denominations as well as world leaders and scholars have been included. Quotations from the Vedas, Puranas, Upanisads, Smrtis, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhakti-sutras, Brahma-sutra, Yoga-sutra, as well as other major scriptures of the world such as the Bible, Dhammapad and Koran have been incorporated to underline the basic unity of all religious thoughts and to promote the universal brotherhood of mankind. Epilogue, references, Sanskrit transliteration and pronuciation guide, glossary and index are provided. A guide to meditation, beautiful pictures and Gita Calisa are included for daily Sadhana.
“The Gita is a doctrine of universal truth, the Sanatana dharma, commonly known as Hinduism. It has the capacity to come down to the level of the reader and raise him to peace of mind.” – The Adyar Library Bulletin-1996 – K.K. Raja
The originally of the author/compiler lies in providing a suitable glass on all the important stanzas. While doing this, he has drawn upon authentic sources of Indian philosophy and history, and has juxtaposed quotes from the teachings of other religions. – Prabuddha Bharata Vol.102, December 1997 – Dr. Narendranath B. Patil, Mumbai
About the Author(s)
The gita is a doctrine of universal truth, the Sanatana dharma, commonly known as Hinduism. It has the capacity to come down to the level of the reader and raise him to peace of mind. (The Adyar Library Bulletin-1996) -KK. Raja, The originality of the author/compiler lies in providing a suitable gloss on all the important stanzas. While doing this, he has drawn upon authentic sources of Indian philosophy and history, and has juxtaposed quotes from the teachings of other religions. (Prabuddha Bharata, Vol 102, Dec. 1997) -Dr. Narendranath B. Patil, Mumbai.
₹295.00 -
Astavakragita: The Song of the Self Supreme
Astavakragita (The Song of the Self Supreme) contains the Sanskrit text of Astavakragita (both in Nagari and Roman script), its English translation, Exegesis and Glossarial Index. It presents in twenty chapters the substance of Astavakra’s teaching in respect of the Cosmic Self in the form of his dialogue with Janaka, the seer-king of Videha. The teaching is based on the Upanisadic creed of Absolute monism (Advaitavada) that identifies the Self with the non-dual Ultimate Reality. But the contribution of Astavakra is also immense, for he has introduced the element of emotional experience or the mystical feeling as the means for realizing the non-dual nature of the Self. Written in a lucid style and dealing systematically with the subject matter, the book will hold a unique position among the contemplative classics of the world.
The English translation is faithful to the Sanskrit original and the annotations by the editor are extremely illuminating and helpful. Altogether, this book is a treasure house of Advaita thought and should be in the hands of every sincere student of phil
₹295.00 – ₹495.00Astavakragita: The Song of the Self Supreme
₹295.00 – ₹495.00 -
From Mind to Super Mind: A Commentary on Bhagavad Gita
The message of the Gita has an important and a practical bearing on the problems of the modern age. It shows a way out of the complexities of the mind to complete and unfettered freedom of the Super-Mind. This path is not meant only for the few, it can be trodden by all who seek freedom from life’s entanglements. In an age where the individual is becoming more and more insignificant due to the impacts of political, economic and social forces, the Gita brings to man a message of hope and cheer, for it shows a way of life which leads to the regaining of his lost significance, and the spiritual regeneration of man is indeed the way to the creation of a happy society.
About the Author:
ROHIT MEHTA was a founder of the Congress Socialist group in 1934. He travelled widely in almost all parts of the world as a lecturer speaking on Religion, Philosophy, Yoga, Psychology, Education, etc. Mehta was a founder of the congress socialist group in 1934 which later on became the socialsit party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialist Party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialism he was deeply dissatisfied with the philosophy of socialism. This led him to become an active worker in the Theosophical society. He became an International secretary of the society when Dr. G.S. Arundale was the president.
₹295.00 – ₹495.00From Mind to Super Mind: A Commentary on Bhagavad Gita
₹295.00 – ₹495.00 -
The Mystery of Art
The Mystery of Art
The Mystery of Art lets the forms of art tell their own tale. Instead of analyzing the art expressions this narrative work invites the reader to re-discover the functions of art. The observation of the art-scenes starts with the present and winds its way backward through time and history. In the course of this journey the different art-expressions reveal themselves in a novel light.
About the Author(s)
D K Chandra
₹295.00The Mystery of Art
₹295.00 -
Despair and Modernity: Reflections from Modern Indian Painting
Despair and Modernity: Reflections from Modern Indian Painting
Dehejia has tried to create a place within the main frame of culture and philosophy of Indian art for a legitimate analytic theory called despair. Dehejia’s effort creates a space for the modern within Indian classicism by negotiating the philosophy of despair in classical terms. As a result the basic schism that has grown in recent years between the philosophy and history of modern art on the one hand and the philosophy and history of traditional arts is today cloder to being breached