Motilal Banarsidass
Yagyatattvaprakash-Chinnswami Shastri Virchit
Yagyatattvaprakash-Chinnswami Shastri Virchit
Yagyatattvaprakash-Chinnswami Shastri Virchit
P. N. Pattabhiram Shastri
₹645.00 -
The People of Tibet
The present book is an attempt to speak about the life of the Tibetan people in their own homes. The contents are leaved on the author’s first-hand knowledge of Tibetan life during a residence of nearly twenty years from conversation with his Tibetan acquaintances in their own language not through interpreters. In order to keep this volume within moderate limits he had to exclude from it many aspects of Tibetan life. Shut-off from the outer world by their immense mountain barriers Tibet still presented a virgin field of enquiry. There has been little change in the inner life of the people during the last thousand years. As the area is very large and the intercourse of one part with another is restricted, the manners and customs vary in different districts and provinces.
₹650.00The People of Tibet
₹650.00 -
The Indus Script and the Rg-veda
The Indus Script and the Rg-veda
Since the publication of the concordances of the inscriptions of the Indus seals many people have been working on the solution of the riddle presented by the 5000 years old indus script of the Indus valley. At first sight the task does not appear too difficult, as there are pictograms that can easily be recognized as man, bird, fish, dog or plant or a part of them. A lot of signs are geometric, but this does seem to be an insurmountable obstacle either, since some of them resemble or are identical to the majuscules of the Greek and the Latin alphabet or found in the mudras of Indian dance and in the patterns of symbolic Indian art. The decipherments that were based on these similarities resulted, however, only in the reading of some inscriptions as more or less obscure names, sometimes not even a phonetic value could be given. Nevertheless they are often presented as complete decipherments to the public. On this account, the pretension that the Indus script is deciphered meets with increasing suspicion and is exposed to ridicule even. Many scholars working in this field are nowadays of the opinion that the Indus script is altogether indecipherablem if not a bilingual of considerable size turns up.
The approach to a decipherment presented in this volume make avail of bilingual, too, but its masterkey is the discovering of the symbolic and linguistic connection of the Indus signs with the Rg-Veda. More than 200 inscriptions, among them the longest and those with the most interesting motifs, have been decoded here by setting them word after wordin relation to Rg-Vedic verses. The results that were gained by this method of comparison for the pictographic and phonetic values of the Indus signs are surprising and far beyond the most daring phantasy. They have been summarised now in a complete sign-dictionary containing over 150 further inscriptions. At the same time many problems of the Rg-Veda could be solved and new insights be won, for example in the issue of the age of the Rg-Veda and the origin of the Vedic poets or the nature of the Soma plant.
₹650.00The Indus Script and the Rg-veda
₹650.00 -
The Bhagavad Gita and Inner Transformation
This contemporary companion to the Bhagavad Gita addresses the heart of human yearning. It offers the possibility of transforming the battle of life into a path to Truth, a living process. Each chapter presents a road toward our inner, universal Self, bringing a deeper and wider perspective along the way.
A psychological orientation invites the reader to move from abstract idea to individual insight. As the book proceeds, the relationship between the personal and the eternal gradually unfolds in an ever-expanding process of self-discovery.
Quotes from the great teachers are included in the text to inspire, uplift and help us cross over the sea of illusion.
When we can link our heart to that which has been called the first cause, the causeless cause, the way it will carry the momentum of our life toward ultimate fulfillment. This is Krishna’s promise to the person who surrenders his ego to the will of the higher force, be He called Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Yaweh, Self or the Divine Mother.
To live one’s life on the foundation of this secret brings true self-confidence.
For those who worship me alone,
thinking of no “other”
I provide for all they need.
Bhagavad Gita 9:22
About the Author(s)
Naina Lepes is the author of From Maya to Oneness and The Cat Guru. Her teachers are Sai Baba, Swami Chinmayananda and Mother Nature, whereas her formal education includes degrees in music, psychology and counseling.
Formerly, Naina worked as a Jungian-trained psychotherapist in New York, and now lives in the Kumaon region of the Himalayas.
Visit the author’s websites at and
₹695.00 -
Elephanta: The Cave of Shiva
Elephanta: The Cave of Shiva
Three descriptive essays and numerous fascinating photographs, taken
especially for this volume, allow the reader to experience a major monument
of Indian art: the sixth century temple cave on Elephanta Island, in Bombay
harbor, and its extraordinary stone sculptures. The authors and the
photographer capture the atmosphere of the cave and the spirit of the
sculptures, which portray the relentless energy and paradoxical power of
Shiva, greatest of all Hindu gods. The photographs are particularly
successful in revealing the dramatic alternation of light and dark that is
so much a part of the beauty of the cave’s interior. Ms. Berkson’s trained
and loving eye picks out the subtleties of the main sculptures and humorous
details that the visitor might miss even on the site.
In the text Wendy O’Flaherty interprets the myths of Shiva depicted in the
sculpture; Ms. berkson’s essay supplies historical background and a
stylistic analysis; and George Michell examines the overall structure of
the cave to show that it is a mandala-like image of the heavenly mountain
residence of Shiva and even of the structure of the universe itself.
“The author as well as the publishers of the work deserve to be
congratulated for providing this easily accessible guide to Elephanta.”
Research Bulletin Vishveshvaranand
Vedic Research Institute,Vol.I, Dec.2002
₹695.00Elephanta: The Cave of Shiva
₹695.00 -
Residential Architecture in Bhoja’s Samaranganasutradhara: Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes
Residential Architecture in Bhoja’s Samaranganasutradhara: Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes
The Samaranganasutradhara, composed in the 11th century and commonly attributed to King Bhoja of Dhara, is one of the most remarkable silpasastras of northern India. Consisting of more than seven thousand slokas, it contains not only detailed descriptions of temples, but also a comprehensive exposition of residential architecture. This book is an annotated translation of the central passages on residential architecture accompanied by a study of the Samaranganasutradharaês sources, the problem of authorship, and related matters. It is rounded off by a comprehensive glossary of technical terms and illustrations.
₹695.00 -