Motilal Banarsidass
Rigveda-Bhashya-Bhumika: Hindi Anuvad Sahit
Rigveda-Bhashya-Bhumika: Hindi Anuvad Sahit
Rigveda-Bhashya-Bhumika: Hindi Anuvad Sahit
Ramavadh Pandey
₹225.00 -
Kenopanishad: Mantra, Padachched, Anvaya, Shabd, Shabdarth, Bhavarth, Vyakhya aur Angreji anuvad sahit
Kenopanishad: Mantra, Padachched, Anvaya, Shabd, Shabdarth, Bhavarth, Vyakhya aur Angreji anuvad sahit
Yamuna Prasad Tripathi
₹100.00 -
Vediki Prakriya: Shodhpurna Alochanatamak Vistrit Hindi Vyakhya
Vediki Prakriya: Shodhpurna Alochanatamak Vistrit Hindi Vyakhya
Vediki Prakriya: Shodhpurna Alochanatamak Vistrit Hindi Vyakhya
Damodar Mehto
₹375.00 -
Harishchandropakhyanam: Athva Shunah Sheshopakhyanam
Harishchandropakhyanam: Athva Shunah Sheshopakhyanam
Harishchandropakhyanam: Athva Shunah Sheshopakhyanam
Sushma Pandey
₹100.00 -
Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini
Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini
One of the most important ancient Hindi philosophical writings is Jaimin’s Purva Mimamsa Sutras. Indian philosophy is based on Mimamsa, the first of the six orthodox (Dars’anas) schools. The complete work is divided into twelve adhydyces (chapters) which are further divided into sixtypadas (sections). Besides presenting conceptual explanations for the performance of Vedic rituals, the literature explains the meaning and significance of these practises in order to help readers achieve liberation, or Moksha.
According to Jaimini’s Mimamsa Sutra, all of reality is made up of material activity and the effects it produces. In the Karma-mimamsa school of thought, he and later adherents believe that there is no end to the cycle of rebirth, and that there is no freedom. Higher rebirth in the Deva realm is all that can be hoped for by Mimathsas in the endless circle of karma. It is because of this, they say, that the Vedas exist in the first place, that the primary task of a mature soul is to understand and carry out the sacrifice directives contained in the Vedas.
₹495.00Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini
₹495.00 -
The Son of the God of Wind: The Exploits of Sri Hanumana
The Son of the God of Wind: The Exploits of Sri Hanumana
The majority of the population in India is devoutly religious. In India, a significant portion of the populace reveres Hanumana as a deity. Sri Hanumana ji temples can be found in every hamlet, town, and city in India. A lot of people are inspired, energised, and awakened by the spirit of Sri Hanumana Ji. It encourages them to work hard, be religious, and help others. As long as Sri Hanumana ji is around, he maintains them on the right road.
Because of his devotion to Sri Rama, Hanumana ji has lost his sense of self-identity and no longer exists independently of the Lord. He embodies all of the attributes that Sri Rama possesses. Hanumana, an avatar of Visnu, represents the pinnacle of Hindu devotion to Lord Rama. That is why he is so highly regarded.
The present work is the result of translation of selected stories about Sri Hanumana by late Pandit Atma Ram Sharma. Despite the fact that the translation only includes a few stories, the stories are all connected and make for an interesting read.
Nonresident Indians, who are always looking for a method to feel more deeply connected to their religious and cultural traditions, may find this book particularly interesting.
₹400.00 -
Gayatri: The profound prayer
Gayatri: The profound prayer
Gayatri is a profound prayer. It is an authentic prayer that elevates, exhilarates and enlightens. According to Hindu scriptures, a prayer in its real sense is not just chanting of a few verses. It is a comprehensive exercise that involves jnana (knowledge), dhyana (meditation) and anubhava (experience). Gayatri Mahamantra is a true prayer that not only reaches out but also reaches in.
Gayatri is chanted as a Mahamantra, worshipped as the Mother Goddess and expressed as a Meter. It is not a prayer for worldly and material benefits. Gayatri is a prayer for the highest enlightenment. It is a prayer that leads to a sublime experience, a prayer that opens up our mind and vision, body and intellect to a world beyond the worldly attachments. It is a prayer that leads to the Ultimate Truth and Supreme Bliss that every enlightened human being seeks.
Gayatri, like the Vedas, is meant for the entire mankind, irrespective of gender, caste, creed, religion or nationality. It is a profound prayer that can touch and transform every human being.
This book is a good read for everyone who believes in the efficacy of prayer and meditation. It is also a good read for everyone who wishes to gain an insight into the breadth and depth of ancient Indian wisdom – the Sanathana Dharma. This informative book is meant for every generation, both young and old.
Gayatri-The Profound Prayer is the authorÍs first spiritual book. Writing it has been a divine spiritual experience for him. -SWAMI BALAKRISHNANANDA SARASWATHI Founder of Gayatri Tapobhoomi, Tadas, Hubli, Karnataka
₹495.00Gayatri: The profound prayer
₹495.00 -
Moral Dilemmas in the Mahabharata
Moral Dilemmas in the Mahabharata
Here the collected papers explore the whole question of the relation between the mythopoetic and the moral in the context of the Mahabharata. Here we have a story of extreme complexity, characters that are unforgettable, and a cosmic context in which gods and men alike grapple with destiny. The obligations of kinship and friendship jostle with each other. The women characters, as in everyday life, seem to bear a very heavy load of the burden of life and to stand in a key position in almost every conflict. We are presented with predicaments at every turn. At times these predicaments seem to be aggravated by social structure. At other times they are cushioned by it. Philosophical tangles tied up with karma and dharma are interwoven with the mythopoetic material. Perhaps philosophical issues are pinpointed rather more than they are in Greek epic literature.
The essays in this book treat the Mahabharata from an unusual angle, fastening on the moral dilemmas it presents. How universal are the dilemmas faced by the characters in the story, and are the dilemmas in fact resolved? In dealing with these questions, the discussions range over the meaning of the purusarthas, the institutions of marriage and the family, the concept of action in the Gita and the special predicaments faced by Draupadi, Arjuna and others. These studies invite the scholar to reflect afresh on the text and encourage the general reader to find in epic literature much that is relevant to life today.
₹395.00 -
A Catalogue of Vaisnava literature: On Microfilms in the Adyar Library, The Bodleian Library and The American University
A Catalogue of Vaisnava literature: On Microfilms in the Adyar Library, The Bodleian Library and The American University
The tragic loss of precious, ancient or old copies of writings from India’s religious heritage continues into the twenty-first century. A small team of photographers and researches spent a total of eighteen months in India, locating, identifying and photographing numerous hand-printed, papers and palm-leaf manuscripts as well as some printed editions from the Vaisnava traditions.
₹495.00 -
Manusmrti, 10 Vols.: With the ‘Manubhasya’ of Medhatithi
Manusmrti, 10 Vols.: With the ‘Manubhasya’ of Medhatithi
Ganganatha Jha’s Mualti-volume Manusmrti, originally published by the University of Calcutta between 1920 and 1939 is as indicated by its subtitle “The Laws of Manu with the Bhasya of Medhatithi”, mainly an edition and translation of the Mula text together with the explanation of the most celebrated commentator. Medhatithi’s Manubhasya has been characterized by one of the leading scholars on Dharmasastra, J. Duncan M. Derrett, as a large repertory of opinion on the meaning of the “Smrti and on some fundamental questions of Dharma and Law.”
The present work is divided into three sets, i.e. Sanskrit Text (Mula), English Translation and Notes. These comprise of two, five and three volumes-in all the ten volumes. The first two volumes are devoted to (Mula) Sanskrit Text. The first consists of first six Adhyayas and the subsequent carries next six Adhyayas from Vii to XII and a detailed Index for both volumes. The next five volumes (Vol.3 to 7) belong to English Translation. The Vol.3 carries Adhyayas I and II, Vol.4 contains Adhyayas III and IV, Vol.5 has Adhyayas V to VII, Vol 6 has Adhyaya 8, and Vol.7 has last four Adhyayas (IX to XII). All volumes contain a detailed Index. The last three volumes (8 to 10 are devoted to detailed Notes conducive to understanding the subject of the Smrti even to an interested average reader. These belong to textual, explanation and comparative respectively. These contain much useful informations
₹25,000.00 -
Hindu Prayers and Meditations
Hindu Prayers and Meditations
Hindus must pray daily morning at sunrise and evening at sunset one must have divine communication with God, and ask Him for Light and Guidance in life. Hindu scriptures abound in prayers. They are of different types and of complex nature, and form part of various rituals and ceremonies. In our daily life, however, we need not be bothered with these complexities. A few simple prayers, will serve our needs beautifully. The only thing we have to constantly keep in mind is the purity of our hearts and sincerity of purpose. We cannot offer prayers precariously and half-heartedly.
D.N. Vidyarthi
₹225.00Hindu Prayers and Meditations
₹225.00 -
Initiation to the Vedas: An abridged edition of The Vedic Experience-Mantramanjari
Initiation to the Vedas: An abridged edition of The Vedic Experience-Mantramanjari
The hymns we find here are prayers. To be able to invocate, that is, to call upon something greater than ourselves and so break our own bounderies is the beginning of wisdom, the source of hope and the condition of joy.
About the Author(s)
RAIMON PANIKKAR was ordained as a Catholic priest and is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. At present he lives in the mountains of Catalunya trying to learn the wisdom of life.
₹295.00 -
Movements with the Cosmic Dancer: On Pilgrimage to Kailash Manasarovar
Movements with the Cosmic Dancer: On Pilgrimage to Kailash Manasarovar
Lakshmi Bandlamudi’s description of her journey to Kailash and Manasarover, representing as they do Purusha and Prakriti, the masculine and the feminine nature of existence, is deeply moving because she connects it to her own inner spiritual quest. Replete with mythical stories regarding Shiva and Parvati, and written with a special emphasis on the feminine, this book is a moving testament of a living faith which has persisted for thousands of years.
Lakshmi Bandlamudi’s script is a sublimely cosmic dance in itself hinting at a difficult life and a less than easy journey; she nonetheless describes her journey to Kailash the home of Shiva, as a transcendental pilgrimage of the soul. The story Tibetan territory she must traverse becomes almost irrelevant in her soul’s searching for answers to questions, which are both personal and universal.
Lakshmi Bandlamudi
₹295.00 -
The Hindu Mind: Fundamentals of Hindu Religion and Philosophy for All Ages
The Hindu Mind: Fundamentals of Hindu Religion and Philosophy for All Ages
Hinduism is the oldest surviving religion on the world. The religions and philosophical literature of Hinduism is vast, diverse and covers thousands of years of accumulated spiritual experiences of Hindu Saints and Seers. This book presents the fundamentals of Hindu religions and philosophical thought in a logical and straightforward manner. The purpose being, to create a story book for further study of Hinduism.
₹500.00 -
The Philosophy of Hinduism and Other Essays
The Philosophy of Hinduism and Other Essays
In the Philosophy of Hinduism – Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, has explained the central features of faiths of Hinduism, its philosophical and spiritual doctrine, religious experience, ethical character and traditional faiths. Hinduism is a process and not a result, a growing tradition and not a fixed revelation as in other faiths. He has compared the Christanity, Islam and Buddhism in the light of Hinduism and stressed that ultimate aim of these religions is the attaintment of universal self. The analysis of religions is highly intellectual and balanced looking to whole hearted response he received for these lectures in U.K. He has been then aclaimed as another Vivekananda. The articles in the book reflect the mind of this great philosopher.
₹250.00 -
Upanisads: (Selections from 108 Upanisads)
Upanisads: (Selections from 108 Upanisads)
Dr. TMP Mahadevan gives here an easy to read translation of selections from the 108 Upanisads. The eternal truths revealed so long ago are still valid today, and in this easy flowing style they provide moments of truth and enlightenment in the modern materialistic world in which we now live.
The first chapter introduces the reader to the back ground of the Upanisads and elucidates the underlying philosophy. A short introduction to each of the following chapters further explains their meaning. Many sayings, known and frequently used, will be found here in their original context.
T.M.P. Mahadevan
₹345.00 -
Karnananda-Krishnachandra Goswami Pranit: (Granthkarkrit-Arthkaumudi-Tika-Sanyukth)
Karnananda-Krishnachandra Goswami Pranit: (Granthkarkrit-Arthkaumudi-Tika-Sanyukth)
Karnananda-Krishnachandra Goswami Pranit’s book summary is as follows: (Granthkarkrit-Arthkaumudi-Tika-Sanyukth) We may learn much from their spiritual culture, which was not only a major factor in shaping the Western world’s history, but which still has a lot to offer us in the present day. The Rig-complex Veda’s symbols, metaphors, and tales codify India’s archaic spirituality, which is proved to be considerably older than has been traditionally supposed by academics. A fascinating mathematical and astronomical code hidden in the Vedic hymns is also revealed in this book. This well-researched and cross-cultural work will fascinate and enhance anyone interested in ancient cultural history, India, archaeoastronomy, or spirituality. It is fascinating.
Hitanand Goswami
₹150.00 -
Hindu Scriptures
Hindu Scriptures
Hindu Scriptures is a unique collection of Hindu texts spanning more than
twenty centuries.
Two anthologies entitled Hindu Scriptures have previously appeared in
the Everyman series alone, that of Nicol MacNicol in 1938 and that of
Professor R.C. Zaehner in 1966. This present title is the enlarged edition
of R.C. Zaehner’s anthology, with the addition of three fresh translations,
its broad range includes arcane hymns of the ancient Aryans, a manual of
prescriptions governing every aspect of the daily life of the orthodox, and
rich poetry that describes with heady sensuality the dalliance of Krsna and
the cowherd women of Vraja in the nights of the autumn moon. The texts are
arranged in chronological order and the Introduction explains the reasons
for their inclusion, sets them in context, and briefly characterizes their
₹725.00Hindu Scriptures