
  • Maha Herbals Viro Peace Tablet

    Fights viral infections
    Benefits: Enhances immunity and alleviates viral symptoms such as cold and flu. Possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Helps fight viral fevers.

    Indications: Viral infections and pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) .

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Livo Peace Tablet

    Protects liver
    Benefits: Provides hepatoprotection. Improves liver function. Increases bile secration. Improves appetite, digestion and helps in weight gain. Protects liver from toxins.

    Indications: Anorexia, growth failure, chronic indigestion, jaundice, mild to moderate liver dysfunction associated with alcohol consumption or associated with hepatotoxic drugs.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Cardio Peace Tablet

    Natural cardio protective
    Benefits: Helps maintain blood circulation of the heart and strengthen the cardiac muscles. Tones up the cardio-vascular system and calms the nervous system. Experts diuretic action and reduces the edema of the body. Brings down high cholesterol and increases good cholesterol and promotes healthy blood circulation. Possess cardio-protective action.

    Indications: Hyperlipidemia, chronic stable angina, mild to moderate hypertension.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Fever Peace Tablet

    Fights fever naturally
    Benefits: Reduces fever efficiently, due to cold and flu. It has anti-periodic (Preventing regular recurrence of the symptoms of a disease, as in malaria) and anti-spasmodic properties, which is helpful in preventing infectious diseases like dengue, swine flu, malaria etc.

    Indications: Bodyache, backache, cough and other symptoms associated with fever.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Yuva 70 Tablet

    Ageing with quality of life
    Benefits: Improves digestion, regulates the bowels and prevents constipation, improves metabolism, tones up the liver functions and protect from toxins, improves appetite, protects heart, boosts immunity, improves nervous system and reflexes, channelizes mental energy and improves memory. Improves defence mechanism and protects from recurrent infections.

    Indications: Indigestion, constipation, poor appetite, memory loss, parkinsonism, alzhemirs disease, osteoporosis.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Yuva 50 Tablet

    Way to young ageing
    Benefits: Improves defence mechanism and by improving immunity protects from cough, cold, chest congestion, viral fever and ear, nose and throat infections. Helps improve vigour and vitality. Promotes positive mental faculties and wonderful nervine tonic.

    Indications: Dry skin with age, feeling of low energy and enthusiasm, low libido, low immunity, low stamina and early exhaustion, early mental fatigue, Insomnia and sleep disturbances.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Motion Balance Tablets

    Benefits: Improve digestion, highly beneficial and provide relief in conditions like, loose motion, liquid stool, bloating, gas, parasitic intestinal disease, IBS, cramping, inflammation in the intestines, amoebic and bacillary dysentery, blood with stool, balances vata and pitta.

    Indications: Diarrhoea, digestive system disorder, repeatedly evacuation of bowel, loose motion, liquid stool, bloating, gas, parasitic intestinal disease, IBS, cramping, vata and pitta doshas, inflammation in the intestines, amoebic and bacillary dysentery, blood with stool, causing severe fatigue, vomiting and nausea.

    Dosage: Adult 2 tablets twice a day with normal water and Children 1 tablet twice a day with normal water or as Directed by the physician.

  • Maha Herbals Uri Peace Syrup

    Benefits: Support in urinary tract infections. Relief in burning and painful micturition. Being nephroprotective improves the kidney function, creatinine levels and helps in treating kidney stones, dysuria and olivuria.

    Indications: Feeling of burning sensation and discomfort while passing urine, repeated urges but able to pass very little urine in one go, moderate to severe abdominal pain, urine colour change or turn cloudy and smells extremely pungent.

    Dosage: Adult 2 to 3 Tea spoon 2 to 3 times a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Jeevan Dhara Drops

    Multi benefits Wonder Drops
    Benefits: Jeevandhara, a wonderful remedy made from medicinal and aromatic herbs oils & extracts is highly beneficial in following.

    Indications: Cold, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasmodic pain, arthritic pain, sinusitis, headache, toothache and insect bites etc.

    Dosage: Dosage & direction for usage:
    Cold/Nasal congestion Pour 2 to 3 drops on a hand kerchief and deeply inhale and exhale for quick relief.
    Sinusitis Pour 2 to3 drops in hot water and deeply inhale and exhale the vapours.
    Tooth ache Wet a cotton swab with few drops, rub gentle and put on the tooth having ache.
    Diarrheic condition first aid, flatulence, spasmodic pain and stomach ache Take 2 to 3 drops with water or on lump of sugar.
    Nausea or vomiting Take 2 to 3 drops with water or on a lump of sugar.
    Arthritic pain Apply gently 2 to 3 drops on affected area for relief.
    Insect bite and Itching Apply gently 2 to 3 drops on the affected area for relief.
    Head ache Apply gently 2 to 3 drops on the forehead and cover.
    Precautions: During pregnancy, you can continue using this oil if you have used before pregnancy without any side effects. If you haven’t used this product before and want to use it during pregnancy, better to consult a doctor as it can cause skin allergy in some of the rare cases. It is generally considered as safe to use during lactation, however consult your doctor for the right advice.

  • Maha Herbals Kabj Shanti Churna

    Effective Herbal Laxative
    Benefits: Its a natural, effective and safe laxative churna, which helps ensuring regular bowel movements along with reduced flatulence & bloating. It is highly beneficial in chronic constipation, gastrointestinal disorders, headache, acidity associated with constipation, piles (hemorrhoids) an d fissures due to hard stool.
    Indications: Chronic constipation, gastric condition, headache, acidity associated with constipation, irregular or difficult movement of the bowels, abdominal discomfort etc.
    Dosage: Adults 1-2 tablespoon full once a day (max 10gm/day)
    Children 2.5 gm above 10 years, max. 50 mg per kg weight.
    For better results, take in the night before sleeping with luck warm water or as directed by the Physician

  • Maha Herbals Kaso Peace Syrup

    Herbal cough syrup
    Benefits: Possess anti-allergic and immunomodulatory properties, relieves dry cough. Due to its expectorant properties expels phlegm and benefits in cough associated with chest congestion.

    Indications: Beneficial in all types of cough, Anti allergic, Anti microbial and Improves immunity.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoon full 2 to 3 times in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Maha Brain Syrup

    For mental sharpness, focus and recall
    Benefits: Improves memory enhancing effects, increases memory span, helps in memory recall, reduces fluctuation of attention. Improves attention, concentration and helps in learning ability.

    Indications: Memory disturbance, mental fatigue, loss of memory, speech defects, helps in the management of parkinsons disease, epilepsy, alzheimers disease and hemiplegia.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoon full 2 to 3 times in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Ayurveda Tea

    100% NATURAL
    Benefits: Good for general revitalization. Helpful in situation of cold and cough, heaviness & burning in chest and indigestion. Helps preventing number of infections.

    Dosage: Adults 1 cup twice daily and children below 12 years half cup twice daily or as directed by Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Maha Nerve Pain Relief Oil

    Relieves neuralgic pains
    Benefits: Possess calming effect on the nerves. Increases mental alertness. Increases blood circulation, particularly to nerve ending.
    Ensures sound sleep. Provides relief in neuralgic pains.

    Indications: Sciatica, lower back pain, discomfort while sitting, tingling sensation, numbness in the legs.

    Dosage: Apply 5 to 10 ml on the affected part or as directed by the Physician. Avoid applying on cuts or wounds it will cause pain and burning sensation.

  • Maha Herbals Lipo Peace Tablet

    Benefits: in the management of dyslipidemia and cordiovascular system. Significantly reduces blood pressure. Improves HDL (good cholesterol) and reduces LDL & VLDL (bad cholesterol). Prevents atherosclerosis. Improves cardiac output of blood flow. Safe for long term treatment.

    Indications: Dyslipidemia, mild to moderate hypertension and atheroscle-rosis.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Astho Peace Tablet

    Benefits: Helps in reducing bronchial inflammation, excessive mucus production and broncho spasm. Possess anti-allergic action. Minimizes breathlessness, chest congestion and improves airflow to the lungs. Helps in reducing the frequency and intensity of attacks.

    Indications: Asthma and bronchitis, breathlessness, cough and chest congestion.

    Dosage: One to two tablets two times in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Karso Peace Tablet

    Useful for Cancer Management
    Benefits: Supports body tissues for natural recovery by balancing the tridoshas and trigunas. Helps to recover from chronic diseases. Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy & radiotherapy and assist body in its recovery process. Protects from free radicals damages.

    Indications: As an adjuvant in primary carcinoma, tuberculosis, secondary metastasis, degenerative conditions, immune deficiency conditions.

    Dosage: One to two tablets two times in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Renal Peace Tablet

    Improves kidney function
    Benefits: Strengthens urinary health, prevents urinary tract infections, assist in the healing of kidney damage, protects from oxidative stress in the kidneys and offer nephroprotective properties. Helps in dissolving urinary stone.

    Indications: Renal calculi, urinary tract infections, burning micturition, benign prostatic hyperplasia, dysuria, recurrent calculi and crystalluria.

    Dosage: Adults 2 tablets 2 to 3 times in a day and in children 1 tablet twice in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Insomnia Peace Tablet

    Promotes sound sleep
    Benefits: It has a calming and sleep inducing effect. It has neuro protective properties. Possesses antidepressant effect and beneficial on the nervous system. Normalises the sleep disorders.

    Indications: Insomnia, restlessness, over excitement and other sleep related disorders.

    Dosage: One to two tablets two times in a day or as directed by the Physician.

  • Maha Herbals Daibo Peace Tablet

    Helps control sugar levels
    Benefits: Helps stimulate insulin secretion and enhance glucose uptake. Helps regeneration and repair of beta cells. Helps increase insulin secretion and helps improve metabolism. Helps peripheral utilization of glucose. Possess anti oxidant properties. Prevents long term complications of diabetes.

    Indications: Pre , newly detected NIDDM (Type 2 Diabetes),as an adjuvant in Type 1 diabetes.

    Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the Physician.

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