Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
Gita For Success In Modern Life: From Basement to Board Room
This book underscores that the Gita is not for abandoning active life but for reconstructing.
The book focuses particularly on the modern man. It does not deal with an imaginary or an ideal situation but with man’s real life. It recognises that man is caught up in a whirlpool of conflicting values and tries to resolve and reconcile them. The book explores various dimensions of man’s life – as an individual, as a family member, as a social being and as a businessman, as well.
The book selects only a few chapters and shlokas and brings out the principal teachings of the Gita which are of direct relevance in the context of contemporary modern life.
“Parables and metaphors in the Gita have been used as in other ancient scritures and literature to explain the subtle meanings in a simple manner to the reader……Separate chapters have been devoted to different ingredients of Karma Yoga……A Pe
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