Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
Some Early Dynasties of South India
This book is an attempt to trace the history of Some Early Dynasties of South India. In this context the author has tried to reconcile the Puranic versions with the epigraphic and numismatic sources.
₹545.00 -
An Introduction to the Study of Society
The present book is an attempt to analyse social concepts and trace their origin and development, with particular reference to man as a member of his family, caste-group, social institutions and organizations. In presenting this analysis the author has followed the latest method of philosophers who interpret philosophy by the help of history, including the study of society through all stages of its growth. The study fully documented with the critical apparatus–general index and foot nootes–is designed to meet a long-felt need of the reader including the serious students of the subject at the Honours and post-graduate levels.
₹300.00 -
The Gita and Tulasi-Ramayana: Their Common Call for the Good of All
This book has identified “the good of all” as the single most important criterion of excellence of any socio-spiritual approach to life’s problems–particularly in the context of the conflict-ridden society of today. The comprehensive coverage of this criterion, as presented in this study, has strong links with (like Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati) three life-sustaining streams of thought. The first stream refers to the lokasamgraha-message of the Gita which has been formulated in that scripture from ten different but inter-connected angles. The second stream refers to the jagmangal-message of the Manas which is simpler to grasp and which can also be explained from the same ten angles as applied to the Gita. The third stream refers to the repeated expressions of the concern for “the good of all” which began with the Vedas and which continued as an integral part of the Indian tradition–a steady source that strengthened the calls of the Gita and Manas also.
By putting all these ideas together and by maintaining the interest of the readers, this book has opened the door to a new field of study and research, viz. the Indian contribution to the theory and practice of “the good of all.”
“His arguments are forceful and convincing. The book is a gem which is worth acquiring by all those interested in the subject.”
About the Author(s)
Dr. Satya P. Agarwal is a Social Scientist. His academic honors include five gold medals and numerous merit scholarships and research fellowships at various universities. The Governor of the State of Maryland conferred upon him “The Governor’s Citation”, in recognition of his pioneering books as also his contribution to social service. He is the author of several books besides the present one which are widely acclaimed and appreciated by discerning readers. Other honors conferred on him include (i) the Kunti Goyal International Award, (ii) the Special Award of Manas Sangam, and (iii) the International Tulasi Award.
₹395.00 -
The Social Message of the Gita Symbolized as Lokasamgraha: (Self Composed Skt. Slokas with Eng. Comm.)
This book is a landmark in the wide panorama of Gita Literature, the universal nature of which is reflected in the use- in the form of prose as well as poetry-of an increasing number of the world’s languages. As the first book to utilize original verses in modern Sanskrit to convey the social massage of the Gita, it not only fills a significant linguistic gap but also focuses attention on social issues which call for urgent action by karmayogins.
About the Author(s)
Dr. Satya P. Agarwal is a Social Scientist. His academic honours include five gold medals and numerous merit scholarships and research fellowships at various universities. The Governor of the State of Maryland conferred upon him “The Governor’s Citation”, in recognition of his pioneering books as also his contribution to social service. He is author of several books besides the present one which are widely acclaimed and appreciated by the discerning readers. Other honours conferred on him include: (i) Kunti Goyal International Award, (ii) Special Award of Manas Sangam and (iii) International Tulasi Award.
₹395.00 -
The Advaita of Art
The Advaita of Art
This inquiry is an undertaking to demonstrate that aesthetic experience in the classical Indian tradition, on its own merit, without being subordinated to rituals and practices commonly held under the rubric of religion, is capable of providing a transcendent experience to a prepared aesthete. Dr. Dehejia examines the dynamics of two aesthetics processes, that stemming from aesthetic emotion or rasa and from aesthetic form or rupa, and cogently underpins them within the advaitic epistemology of Kasmir Saivism. The Advaita of Art, Dr. Dehejia argues, is a joyous celebration of affirmation and assertion and not negation.
₹395.00 – ₹595.00The Advaita of Art
₹395.00 – ₹595.00 -
Alice Boner Diaries: India 1934-1967
Alice Boner Diaries: India 1934-1967
Apart from an insight into Alice Boner’s keen observation of Indian temple-architecture and art the present selection of her diary entries also depict the struggles of Alice Boner, the artist. In her work she strove to represent the spirit of India which her intensive experiences of over 40 years in the country revealed to her. Her experiences also included contact with personalities of the calibre of Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Laxman Joo, Sarojini Naidu, Ustad Alauddin Khan, and her admiration of Mahatma Gandhi. As a remarkable diarist Alice Boner puts her thoughts to pen in an elegant, eminently readable style. The reader feels with her the thrill and awe at the ancient monumental sights all over India, reads about her vision of the principles of sacred art, and shares with her the inner conflict of one torn between the two worlds of Europe and India. Over and over again this unique woman, with roots in the European culture, expresses her deep attachment to India. Most of the diary entries are in German and English and these have been retained for the sake of the originality of her fine expression, interspeersed with a selection of sketches from her vast repertoire. In addition, the German portions have been translated here for the benefit of English readers.