Shastra Krida
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Shastra Krida

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  • TithiDarshika – Pune

    Tithidarshika (valid till 30 March 2025) is a tool to provide ready reference to some of primary elements of the time which is known as Panchanga (Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karan), in a visually appealing desk calendar design. The perfect gadget on the desk of a Hindu.

    Please note that since it involves minute details up to a minute (e.g. sun rise/set time), it is best suitable for Pune, for other cities the time will vary as per the relative latitude/longitude from Pune.


    TithiDarshika – Pune

  • Dindarshika (English) – Vedic Calendar

    The Vedic Dindarshika (calendar) provides a mean to get introduced with the ancient tradition of knowing days or Tithis based on lunar phases, along with traditional names of the fortnights, months and seasons.

    The English version is exact replica of our original Hindi (with Devanāgarī) with only difference of lipi, to serve our English speaking audience.

    Note: The product color varies depending on the base material used.

  • Dindarshika – Vedic Calendar

    The Vedic Dindarshika (calendar) provides a mean to get introduced with the ancient tradition of knowing days or Tithis based on lunar phases, along with traditional names of the fortnights, months and seasons.

    Note: The product color varies depending on the base material used.

  • Dashavatara Puzzle- Wooden Puzzle


    Dashavatara puzzle board comes with 10 removable puzzle pieces.
    Ideal to introduce children to the concept of Avatara (Incarnation) in a playful way, at the same time nurturing their problem solving abilities.
