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  • Supadma Hanuman Chalisa In English

    सुपद्म हनुमान-चालीसा पुस्तक स्तुति के गूढ अर्थ को हिन्दी पाठकोँ के लिए सुलभ बनाती है । इसमेँ गोस्वामी तुलसीदास रचित चालीसा का मूल अवधी पाठ, दोहोँ और चौपाईयोँ का हिन्दी अनुवाद, शब्दार्थ, और धार्मिक स्रोतोँ पर आधारित एक प्रामाणिक हिन्दी टिप्पणी समिलित है ।

    Supadma Hanuman Chalisa In English book includes the original Avadhi text of Gosvami Tulsidas (मूल), a Hindi translation (अनुवाद), a glossary of terms (शब्दार्थ), and an authentic Hindi commentary based on the traditional sources (टिप्पणी).

    Which is a Good Hanuman Chalisa In English?

    If you have recited this Chalisa since you were a child and although you have understood the meaning of some parts of it, you would love to get the meaning of the entire prayer then this book is for you!

    Lord Hanuman is known as the destroyer of evil and he is worshipped as a symbol of preserving strength, and devotion. Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in English are fully explained with meaning in this book.

    It is said that reciting Hanuman Chalisa every day will give strength to fight the problems and keep away from all the unnecessary fears.

    For your all questions related to Hanuman Chalisa in English, follow Hindu Media Wiki on twitter at twitter.com/hindumediawiki

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